Energy efficiency plays a major role in the data centre’s cooling


The cooling of data centres requires large quantities of energy, which explains why northern countries with cold climates and long free-cooling seasons are sought after as building locations for these facilities.
The solution for Kielce Technology Park’s data centre in Poland is based on energy-efficient technology. The system is designed to utilise the latest knowledge of how to minimise the consumption of electricity and maximise the benefits of free cooling.
The Technology Park project’s main contractor was Infover Kielce, a company that specialises in IT infrastructure solutions. The actual rack and cooling system was realised by Chiller’s local representative, StepSystems Sp.z o.o.

Energy-efficient cooling solution

The solution for the data centre’s cooling system was realised with Chillquick and Chillquick ECO chilled water stations. One of the chilled water stations is equipped with a free cooling feature. In summer, the chilled water stations operate at alternate times. The system’s wintertime operations are designed to make the most of the free cooling option.

‘We selected the Chiller cold water stations because of their high free-cooling temperature,’ says project manager Pawel Regulski of Step Systemsis Sp.

He also praises Chiller’s unique and reliable Service Next remote monitoring concept: ‘It enables us to ensure that the entire system operates just the way we want it to – as energy-efficiently as possible. By optimising the liquid coolers’ operations, we can increase the energy efficiency of the system as a whole’.

The data centre’s cooling solution

  • Chillquick™ and Chillquick Eco™ chilled water stations
  • Service Next package